Hello from the TLA Book Awards Committee! For the past several months we’ve been receiving nominations and submissions for the TLA Book Awards, honoring English language works of scholarship on theatre, film, and broadcasting, published in 2015. We’ve also been busily dispatching the submitted books to our jurors, who’ve already started the review process. But it’s not too late! We will be accepting submissions up to February 29, 2016.
George Freedley Memorial Award honors a work published during 2015, with a subject related to live performance (including vaudeville, puppetry, mime, performance art, the circus, etc.).
Richard Wall Memorial Award honors a work published during 2015 of exceptional scholarship in the field of recorded or broadcast performance.
Winners of each award will be determined by a separate three-member jury, and by the Awards Committee Co-Chairs. $500 will be awarded to each of the winners. Each jury may elect to award an additional Special Jury Prize. The TLA Book Awards for 2015 will be presented to winners at a ceremony in New York, on October 14, 2016.
SUBMISSION: To submit a title for consideration, you should submit a total of FOUR COPIES of each book nominated to:
Theatre Library Association
c/o The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts
111 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10023, USA
NEW SUBMISSION POLICY FOR 2015: Due to problems with submission receipts in the 2014 award year, we are instituting a new policy: In order for your title to be considered, you must also email the title of the book you are submitting to tlabookawards@gmail.com. Make sure to include the email address of the person who should be contacted if the book is selected as a winner or finalist.
Questions? Contact tlabookawards@gmail.com