Theatre Library Association was founded in 1937 as a national professional association of performing arts librarians, archivists, and curators, although membership is open to anyone who is interested in supporting its mission. It is governed by Officers and a Board of Directors elected by the general membership. The development and promotion of professional library expertise and standards are achieved through the activities of Committees appointed by the President, as dictated by the Bylaws. TLA regularly participates in collaborative activities with other organizations with similar or overlapping missions, particularly the American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) and the International Association of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts (SIBMAS). The organization’s strength lies in the many accomplished and dedicated individuals who volunteer their time and expertise to make its activities possible, and who create a nurturing, supportive community. TLA does not have an office, telephone lines or paid staff, but please contact us at our Lincoln Center mailing address or by email.