The results are in! The Theatre Library Association is proud to announce the TLA Book Award winners for English language works of scholarship on theatre, film, and broadcasting, published in 2013.
The George Freedley Memorial Award has been awarded to Alisa Solomon for Wonder of Wonders: A Cultural History of Fiddler on the Roof, published by Metropolitan Books. A Special Jury Prize has been awarded to Sam Wasson for Fosse, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
The following works were finalists for the Freedley Award:
- Evan Baker, From the Score to the Stage: An Illustrated History of Opera Production and Staging, University of Chicago Press
- Ninotchka Devorah Bennahum, Carmen: A Gypsy Geography, Wesleyan University Press
- Lauren R. Clay, Stagestruck: The Business of Theater in Eighteenth-Century France and Its Colonies, Cornell University Press
- Mary Simonson, Body Knowledge, Oxford University Press
- Andrew Sofer, Dark Matter, University of Michigan Press
The Richard Wall Memorial Award has been awarded to Glenn Frankel for The Searchers: The Making of an American Legend, published by Bloomsbury USA. A Special Jury Prize has been awarded to David S. Shields for Still: American Silent Motion Picture Photography, published by University of Chicago Press.
The following works were finalists for the Wall Award:
- Giorgio Bertellini (Editor), Italian Silent Cinema: A Reader, Indiana University Press
- Thomas Doherty, Hollywood and Hitler, 1933-1939, Columbia University Press
- Hilary Hallett, Go West, Young Women! The Rise of Early Hollywood, University of California Press
- Brian Jay Jones, Jim Henson: The Biography, Ballantine Books
- Barbara Tepa Lupack, Richard E. Norman and Race Filmmaking, Indiana University Press
The jury for the Freedley Award consisted of: James Fisher from University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Rachel Shteir from DePaul University, and Don B. Wilmeth from Brown University. The jury for the Wall Award consisted of John Calhoun from The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, David Pierce from the Media History Digital Library, and Stephen Tropiano from Ithaca College.
The TLA Book Awards for 2013 will be presented to the winners at the Annual Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony in the Bruno Walter Auditorium at The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, at 6:00 PM on October 17, 2014.
Learn more about the TLA Book Awards and the winners »
Learn more about the 2014 Annual Business Meeting, Awards Ceremony, and Panel Discussion »
Questions? Email the Book Awards Committee Co-chairs Tiffany Nixon & Linda Miles at: tlabookawards@gmail.com, or call: 212-719-9393 x351.